Follow inspiring causes
July 28 2015

Ask your supporters to pledge their birthday to you!

Often your community of supporters want to contribute to your cause, but don't know how. They can lack the time and money to support you in a way they would like, but thanks to a new fundraising initiative from mycause we have made this a thing of the past. 

How? By asking your supporters to pledge their birthday to you! 

Birthdays are an annual occurance for each and every one of us, and the older you get the less inclined you are to want, or request, birthday gifts. That isn't to say however that your friends and family don't want to show you their birthday love. 

So we have come up with the perfect solution, whereby a supporter can pledge their birthday to your cause in lieu of gifts. They can pledge at any time and we will create tehir page and send it to them complete 4 weeks out.

Last month Chron's and Colitis Australia decided to reach out to their database and ask their supporters to pledge their birthday to the charity (check out the campaign here). The response was fantastic with 18 supporters signing up immediately and more coming through every day since. 

The process is simple, with donors putting in their birth date and mycause making their birthday page live a month before their special day. We even send reminders - and tips and tricks - on how they can best encourage their friends and family to donate. 

At the end of the campaign all funds raised are transferred to your charity and a thank you certificate sent to your supporter. 

To find out how we can incorporate this service into your fundraising schedule, contact