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July 29 2015

Get on board with SMS Giving!

Donating via SMS has been a hugely popular way of giving in the UK, Canada and the US for some time now and mycause is pleased to bring the same service to our charity partners in 2015! 

To date, not a lot of research exists around SMS giving in Australia (simply due to the fact that it is a new and emerging service), however a recent study in the US showed....

  • 85% of SMS donors rated their experience as excellent or good. 
  • Donors liked to give through their mobile device because it was easy, convenient and allowed them to retain control. 
  • Mobile phone numbers have a long lifespan with 75% of donors keeping the same mobile number for more than five years and 48% retaining the same number for eight years or more.
  • SMS giving worked successfully when incorporated with a strong, and immediate, call to action (emergency appeals, gala dinners, media broadcasts or in campaign advertising).

Interested in finding out more about mycause’s SMS Giving service and how it can be tailored to be profitable and economical for your upcoming campaigns? Contact Andrew Corke today at