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November 23 2022

MEDIA: Tough 440 km fundraising trek ‘worth it’

Fundraising trek across Simpson Desert is challenging but amazing


Troy Cameron participated in an incredibly tough walk across the Simpson Desert to raise funds for Jenny’s Place.


Along the 440 km, Troy faced extreme heat, freezing nights, and a cyclone.


Despite this, and the 1,100 kilometre-long sand dunes he had to walk over, the 31-year-old mining operator at Hunter Valley Operations told Newcastle Weekly  and The Singleton Argus it was ‘worth the discomfort’.


He said he really enjoyed being taken out of his comfort zone and described the experience as “challenging but amazing”.


“It sounds a bit weird I wanted to be in a situation where I may struggle,” he said.


“The best part of the walk was the people I met; hearing their stories.”


Troy was joined on the 20-day trek by his mother Sharon, Auntie Donna, and six other Hunter women.


He was the youngest of all the trek members – the oldest was 71.


Nevertheless, he says he still had to train for it, even though the Simpson Desert walk was not his first big hike.


In 2018, Troy walked the Kokoda Track, and has also participated in two 1,000 km bike rides, all fundraising for Camp Quality.


“I love doing these types of fundraisers because you experience amazing places, meet fantastic people and give something back to people in need.”


For the Simpson Desert Hike to Help Jenny’s Place, the group started at Dalhousie Springs in Witjira National Park, on the western edge of the Simpson Desert.


They finished 22 days later in the town of Birdsville.


Fundraising on the mycause platform, Troy contributed almost $6500 to the total $106,000 raised for Jenny’s Place.


Jenny’s Place is a not-for-profit community-based charitable organisation providing the skills, information and support to empower women and children experiencing or escaping domestic and family violence and/or homelessness.


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