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November 24 2022

Corporate Gift Giving Tips 2022

Corporate Gift Giving Tips 2022


Let our Corporate Gift Giving Tips turn your 2022 workplace gifts into positive representations of your brand. Corporate gifts are about creating important connections with your employees, colleagues, clients, stakeholders, and prospects. A lot can be said about a company through the gifts they give. These five simple, but important, tips make the difference between being seen as a good or a fantastic company. 

1. Avoid these trends

The first thing to do is avoid these trends. This can be difficult; trends are so tempting! If you don’t reflect on what they really project, you can easily fall prey. The Australian Red Cross has a great ad campaign this holiday season. Have you seen it? It’s the “Not another novelty mug” campaign. Ok, so you weren’t thinking of gifting mugs. The point is to think beyond the material, to something that people really need. Think meaningful, not trendy. 

Trendy would include tech gadgets, brand name apparel or accessories, spa gift sets and bundles, fancy edibles, even luxury food and wine box sets. These gifts represent a consumer society. Meaningful gifts have a positive impact or give back to the community. Donation Gift Cards or Vouchers are a great example of a meaningful corporate gift. Now you know you’re aiming for something purposeful, it’s time to settle on a budget.

2. Set a Budget 

Setting a budget for gifts may seem crass (or obvious!). There is, however, a balance to consider between too little spent and too much. You want to show how much thought went into the gift. You should also be looking to elicit a positive response. The trick is to consider this along with doing the math. 

Doing the math for clients and prospects is easy. It's five times as expensive to capture new clients than to retain current clients. Thinking about Customer Lifetime Value is great for identifying what per person budget to assign. For employees and colleagues, budget becomes a matter of diplomacy. The loyalty and passion shown to you should be reflected in the gift budget. Which brings us to tip 3, company values.

3. Tell the story of your values

Your gift should tell the story of your company values. What do you value? Sustainability? Emergency aid? Research and Education? Thinking globally or locally? When you choose a Donation Gift Card, you are choosing the charity to which your funds will go. Think about what your chosen charity represents, who they help, or even where they are located. If you need help for this, visit the mycause charity list. More than 6,000 charities are listed so use the search function to filter according to your focus.

When you tell the story of your values, you inspire a positive response and drive a sense of trust. What will you put your company name to? The mycause fundraising platform is the most trusted in Australia. Secure, transparent, and accessible, our users feel safe in the knowledge 100% of their donations go to the charity and are tax-deductible.

4. Be inclusive

Being inclusive should be very high on our workplace list these days. To be inclusive means to see beyond the mainstream. Yes, Christmas is everywhere but not everybody celebrates in the same way, or at all. A quick fix would be to change your perspective. Think of these gifts as ‘end of year’ or ‘holiday season’ presents. 

If your end of year gift is Donation Gift Cards or Vouchers, the mycause range of beautiful graphics allow you to cater for many kinds of celebrations, faiths, and messages. Choose something you are sure you feel comfortable with. The old adage, “if in doubt, leave it out” applies well here. When you purchase vouchers in bulk, you won’t need to choose graphics just yet. You will receive a list of voucher codes to use as you like. 

5. Personalise the gifts

Lastly, don’t forget to personalise the gifts even if you’ve purchased a hundred. Personalised gifts will always be in. Everybody likes to feel special. You can personalise by adding a name, choosing a graphic and charity that means something only to that person or group, and by hand delivering. Make it relevant. Personalising gifts also makes them memorable. Take this opportunity to make your company memorable in a positive way. 

We hope these Corporate Gift Giving Tips have taken a weight off your shoulders. Now, you’ll be a master corporate gift giver and take your brand to new heights. Remember to check out the mycause range of quality Donation Gift Cards. For more inspiration, visit our holiday season giving page.


Happy holidays!