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September 18 2023

Swimming the Gap 2023: Diving to Support a Worthy Cause



In a thrilling showcase of athleticism and philanthropy, a fresh wave of athletes and tourism and sporting partners have rallied behind Swimming the Gap 2023, an event that has now claimed a significant title in the Australian sporting landscape. Swimming the Gap, now in its third year, has grown to become Australia's longest open-water ocean swim, spanning an impressive 27 kilometres from Green Island to Yorkeys Knob. This year, the event has attracted major partnerships from key sporting and tourism operators, propelling its potential for significant future growth.


The primary aim of Swimming the Gap is to raise funds for the AFL Cape York House Foundation, an organisation founded by AFL National with a mission to address the education gap faced by Indigenous young people in Far North Queensland's remote communities. The foundation provides a safe and culturally appropriate boarding facility in Cairns, offering a "home away from home" for 100 students from 45 remote communities in Queensland. 


The athletes participating in this year's event represent a diverse range of backgrounds and experiences, united by their commitment to the cause. Among them is Rodney Lyle, a fifth-generation Cairns local and dedicated stay-at-home dad to three children. Lyle, who left his corporate job 11 years ago to care for his children, has embraced distance swimming as a personal challenge.


Another remarkable participant is Julie Boxsell, an Australian Triple Crown marathon swimmer and former remote area nurse. Boxsell took up swimming only eight years ago at the age of 45 but has since completed several of Australia's most gruelling open-water swims. She is excited by the challenge of Swimming the Gap and hopes to raise awareness of the cause, drawing upon her experience of working in remote communities.


The event has garnered significant support from local and national partners, cementing Far North Queensland's status as an elite sporting destination. Platinum event partner Passions of Paradise, led by CEO Scott Garden, views Swimming the Gap as a way to spotlight Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef, further enhancing the region's reputation as a top destination for sporting events.


Swimming the Gap 2023 is set to take place on September 23rd, and donations can be made through the event's mycause page


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