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January 13 2021

Rottnest Channel Swim Challenge for a Cause

Taking on a fitness challenge is a sure-fire way to getting more people to notice your fundraising campaign.

Not only is it fun and interactive, but it’s also a chance to prove to yourself that you can be push yourself to conquer your chosen challenge. You can choose to run or cycle but if you prefer the aquatics you can choose to SWIM.

The Rottnest Channel Swim is a 19.7km open water swim challenge from Cottesloe Beach to Rottnest Island in Western Australia. It’s one of WA’s most iconic events and is regarded worldwide.

This February, two local legends from WA have chosen to take on the swim challenge to fundraise for a cause that they’re passionate about. Sebastian will be doing the challenge for charity and Clancy for someone special in his life.

For a charity cause

Health care worker, Sebastian is taking up the Rottnest swim challenge alongside his two friends to raise funds for Helping Little Hands, a charity dedicated to supporting families of premature babies in WA.  

Every year over 26,000 Australian babies are born preterm, many of whom are admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for weeks or months.

This cause is close to Sebastian’s heart as he witnesses preterm babies born every week at work.

Sebastian says is advocating that the best medicine you can give a premature baby is time with their parents. Helping Little Hands provides practical support for families of the NICU so that their time is spent with their baby.

So far, Sebastian has raised over $1,600 and continues to climb through the community’s efforts -


Team Stingray is made up of four Year Nine (2020) Trinity College boys, Matt , Joel, Madoc and Jacob who are swimming the Rottnest Channel Swim and raising money for the charity “Sock it to Sarcoma”. They chose to raise money for this worthy charity to support research and support for people affected by Sarcoma and due to the number of young people around our age who are affected by the disease.

For a personal cause

Clancy will be conquering the swim challenge to raise funds for his 3-year-old niece India, who last year has been diagnosed with Stage 4 High Risk Neuroblastoma, an aggressive form of childhood cancer.

The rare childhood cancer has put a toll on Clancy’s family, having already contacted five different medical research organisations across the world in search for successful treatments.

So far, the fundraising page has exceeded its first goal and has raised over $21,500 and climbing! -

All funds raised goes towards the family and the ongoing medical expenses to cover India’s treatment.

"Throughout India's journey, she has been such an inspiration to us all. Always smiling, ready with a joke and truly living her best life, despite the challenges she is facing." – Clancy

Are you up for a splashing challenge?

There are many challenges and fitness events that you can sign up for that can help in your fundraising efforts.

We have loads of unique ideas on our website that can inspire your next fundraising campaign.
