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November 24 2022

MEDIA: Mountain Biker Gives Ultimate Gift


A passionate mountain biker and registered organ donor has given the ultimate gift after his tragic death this month.


Glen Hovey sadly died after a serious cycling accident on a track he had ridden hundreds of times.


Having been listed for many years to donate his organs in such a circumstance, Glen’s passing has helped several people. 


All his major organs except one have been received by recipients.


Glen’s wife, Cheryl, told The Daily Telegraph that Glen had talked with his family about what his wishes were if anything were to happen to him. 


He was ‘adamant’ that his organs be donated to help others.


Glen loved to ride and was well-known amongst the local mountain bike circle.


It was a family affair and he was proud when his eldest recently competed in an inter-school mountain bike competition in Dee Why. When Glen had his accident, he was navigating a series of "rock rolls" at a trail in Allambie Heights.


Though he was wearing protective gear as always, Glen’s upper neck vertebrae were crushed affecting his ability to breathe and he went into cardiac arrest.


Riders on the scene worked together to revive him and call emergency services.


Glen’s injury was too severe and he passed away four days later.


He was 48 years old and leaves behind his wife Cheryl, and three children aged 14, 13, and 7.


A special mycause fundraising page was created by close friend and riding companion, Deian Cousins.


Almost 500 donations have helped raised more than $63,000 to help the Hovey family.


Cousins told The Manly Observer, "It has been absolutely devastating for the family and a lot of people who knew them."

Messages of shock and support flood the page and show what a genuinely loved person Glen was.


One message reads: "A few times in recent years we'd bump into a very friendly man mountain biking around the 'Beaches. On each occasion my son, Robert, would cycle off with him while I stayed back with my daughter and on each occasion without fail when we would catch up with Robert, he would rave about what an incredibly nice guy the man was. It turns out the man was Glen Hovey."


Another says: "We could not have asked for a better mentor, a better colleague, a better friend... We would not be where we are without your guidance."


Check out other great pages where people remember their loved ones, or start your fundraising page by clicking the button below.