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November 24 2022

MEDIA: SA locals raise over $10k for their country butcher

Locals fundraise for country butcher


Locals have pitched together to help their beloved country butcher after a fire caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage.


Six trucks and 20 firefighters were needed when the fire broke out in the ceiling of South Australia’s Meadows Country Meats on 12 November.


The devastating fire also threatened the adjoining residential property, but thankfully no one was hurt.


When the news was announced to the Meadows Country Meats 2,000 Facebook followers, the post attracted more than 100 comments of support and offers of financial help.


Meadows Skin and Beauty immediately responded with “I would like to help you and your family out by donating half of my profits this week to you!”


Meadow’s resident Michael Mahar then created a mycause fundraising page to help butcher Angus (Gus) Robertson, his wife, and two-year old.


Michael said he wanted to help “give Gus and his family his dream back.”


The community raised over $10,000 in less than ten days. 


Doggie Punters Club donated over $2,000. Individuals contributed amounts as large as $500, and $1000, with most at $100.


There is still a long way to go before the butcher can reopen. The South Australian Country Fire Service estimated the damage at $200,000.


Glam Adelaide highlighted the fire broke out during a major weather event.


This is unfortunate timing as the small, family-owned business underwent refurbishment of the 1937 building earlier this year and reopened only in April. 


Meadow’s residents love this local butcher and their support seems limitless.


Comments on Facebook and the mycause fundraising page “Gift for Gus” offered all kinds of help and showed appreciation for all the shop had done for the local community.


Comments included: “If there’s anything we can do please don’t hesitate to sing out!! You guys do so much for the community so I’m sure there will be a line up to help you guys out.”


As the sole butcher in a small rural town, Gus had always seen his role in the local community as an important one.


He supported numerous local sporting clubs and teams.


“We are extremely grateful for the support given to us by our local community and we firmly believe that this support should be reciprocated,” he told the Australian Meat Industry Council in 2020.


Hear from Michael Mahar and Gus Roberston when they spoke on SA Today with Jennie Lenman.


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