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August 16 2018

MEDIA: Fundraising for Replacements

Late at night on the 4th of August, Sarah Dziunka’s car was stolen from outside the front of her home in Ballarat. The car was found completely burnt a few days later, with the contents of the car, including a baby’s car seat, a pram, and various birthday presents for Sarah’s one year old son, damaged irreparably.

The car was Sarah’s only way of getting around, including to her job, and since the loss of the car, she has had to borrow her partner’s car and even get rides from friends and her partner’s parents. With her irregular work hours, organising a ride can be difficult and the bus system has been unreliable.

The destruction of the pram has also been a problem when it comes to taking her son Luka anywhere.

Sarah is struggling to pay off the excess on the car and will likely only receive a small sum from the insurance company, which definitely will not be sufficient for her to buy another car and pram to replace the ones that had been stolen and destroyed. Sarah’s friend Samantha has started a mycause campaign to help Sarah raise the money she needs to get her life back to normal.

Unfortunately, bad things happen, but it is good to know that there are people out there who are ready to help and raise money for stolen and damaged property.

Read more of Sarah’s story at The Courier.