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December 22 2020

Local People Advocating for Local Issues

Advocacy plays a major role in decisions made regarding local changes. Whether it be petitioning the council to update infrastructure, or appealing a decision to alter a town’s skyline, advocacy allows local groups to work towards a common goal.

In many cases advocacy requires funding, for things such as printing marketing materials, accessing consultants and information, and in some cases even legal costs. It can be difficult for regular local people to come up with enough money to cover every aspect of an advocacy campaign, so many turn to fundraising.

Fundraising is the best way to get the financial support of like-minded people, who can easily donate online from wherever they are. As an added bonus, online fundraising is also a great way to get the word out about an advocacy campaign.

A group in Little Bay (New South Wales) has created a fundraiser to help them oppose the rezoning of their beautiful cove for Highrise buildings. Similarly, a group in Daylesford (Victoria) are raising funds to keep their countryside town pristine. Their court date has been set. Another group in Manly (New South Wales) is advocating to overturn a government decision to phase out the iconic Manly ferries, which have become a tourist attraction.

In addition, local community in Melbourne are taking a stand against the recent sacking of an ABC News Africa Producer, known as 'D', who according to his former colleagues "has taken many risks over many years assisting ABC journalists across the continent". 

Each of these groups are advocating for a cause that is important to them and their cities, they want to ensure they have a say in local matters that will undoubtedly affect them.

Raise funds for your advocacy at and make a difference.