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October 11 2022

Interactive Donating: what is it?

Interactive Donating with mycause


Interactive Donating is a new way to represent donations online. Instead of the traditional lists and scrolling names, Interactive Donating takes a visual approach to communicating supporter impact. Charities can use their own unique style and brand elements to reveal donations in a way that engages website visitors. 

Engaging visitors in creative ways is a challenge as more and more charities turn to online fundraising. People are also increasingly looking for highly personalised experiences with a clear and desirable purpose. Interactive Donating provides this experience in a memorable way and draws visitors in to take part in the fundraising journey.

How Interactive Donating Works

Interactive Donating works by automatically turning online donations into something dazzling. There is no need to make any admin changes. Supporters follow the same donation journey. It is simply the way the information is displayed that is different. 


Custom Interactive Donating design

For example, imagine the night sky – illuminated by stars – across your landing page. As online visitors hover over a star, a dedication is revealed. You can even choose to show dollar amounts. Seeing impact this way reminds us that every donation is part of a bigger picture. 

Benefits of using Interactive Donating

The benefits of using Interactive Donating in your strategy are many, including leveraging website and social media traffic and unleashing your team’s creativity. Most importantly, you can improve supporter engagement and incentivise donations simply by animating dedications. Here is a list of benefits that support these two crucial goals. 

Achieve Differentiation

Achieving differentiation is increasingly difficult after the pandemic forced a greater number of charities online. If we only described in words what we were doing, all online fundraising would be the same. As soon as we begin to communicate activity visually, we amplify the journey and our mission. It is also a great way to take advantage of and enhance your brand equity. 

Increase Visibility (ie:expand your reach)

Interactive Donating could be utilised to increase visibility of year-round fundraising activity. Each season and holiday offers a new and exciting opportunity to refresh your interactive design and messaging. It would also enhance a Giving Day Strategy or Annual Appeal. As regular giving grows, showing donations in a unique and delightful way becomes essential in expanding your reach.

Use Visual Motivation

The visual motivation provided by progress bars and countdowns has been shown to incentivise donations. Interactive Donating is obviously optimised for the visual mediums of today. This is important at a time when social media is a key channel, and online fundraising is increasingly popular. Leveraging this opportunity – as well as your existing website traffic – will boost fundraising success.

Unleash your creativity

Unleashing your team’s creativity can help to achieve beyond your current targets. Charities need to be creative and innovative, but with limited resources, this can be difficult. In the same way that moving donations online made it more cost-effective and easier for organisations to run, Interactive Donating is an easy and cost-effective way to increase donations and engage supporters.

How to get started with mycause 

Getting started with mycause is easy. We work closely with charities to develop the idea. The mycause team then look after all the design work and implementation for a set up fee. However, there is no platform fee. Follow this link for more information, to reach out to our team, or to see more examples.