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May 07 2018

How to raise money for charity?

Raising money for charities is a fantastic and meaningful way to help your community, whether it be small and local, or large and international. Think about what charities mean something to you and find which charities may already have campaigns through mycause. To start a new campaign for a charity, you can follow these steps:
  1. Start an online crowdfunding campaign
  2. Think about a clear goal for your campaign
  3. Choose a name for your campaign that will appeal to people
  4. Think about why the charity exists
  5. Choose a great image that encourages donations
  6. Share your campaign to let people know about it

In depth:

1. Start an online crowdfunding campaign

The mycause website makes this easy. Click Start Fundraising, select "charity", find the charity you are supporting and enter in all the information. The Donate Nowbutton lets people donate easily, and mycause allows you to keep track of the campaign.

2. Think about a clear goal for your campaign

Decide what (your friend/the family/the charity/the event) needs to get out of the campaign. Set a monetary value that needs to be achieved and decide by when it will need to have been achieved.

3. Choose a name for your campaign that will appeal to people

Think of a concise way to let people know which charity the campaign is for. Choose something simple and memorable for the best results. e.g Act For Peace Needs You

4. Think about why the charity exists

Think about why the charity needs the campaign. Who are they trying to help? What does the charity do? Word this in a coherent and appealing way.

5. Choose a great image that encourages donations

Think about the type of picture that shows people what the charity does. Choose something that people will enjoy looking at and feel drawn to.

6. Share your campaign to let people know about it

Social media is a good way to share the campaign. Make sure people know about it, otherwise they wont know to donate to it.

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