Follow inspiring causes
May 07 2018

How to make a fundraiser?

Using mycause to make a fundraising campaign is simple. Following these steps will guide you to making a more coherent and successful campaign for whatever you may be fundraising for.

  1. Start an online crowdfunding campaign
  2. Think about a clear goal for your campaign
  3. Choose a name for your campaign that will appeal to people
  4. Think about their story and/or journey
  5. Choose a great image that encourages donations
  6. Share your campaign to let people know about it

In depth:

1. Start an online crowdfunding campaign

Click Start Fundraisingon the home page, choose what you are fundraising for, and enter in all the information. The Donate Nowbutton allows people to donate easily. You can keep track of your campaign through the mycause website.

2. Think about a clear goal for your campaign

Set a monetary value that needs to be achieved by the campaign and decide by when it will needs to be achieved.

3. Choose a name for your campaign that will appeal to people

Think of a concise way to let people know who/what the campaign is for. Make sure the name is simple enough that people can remember and search for it. e.g Fighting For Animal Rights

4. Think about the story and/or journey

Think about what the campaign is for. Word this in a coherent and appealing way so that people will understand why they are donating to the campaign.

5. Choose a great image that encourages donations

Think about the type of picture that shows people the problem the campaign is for. The picture should be high quality for uploading.

6. Share your campaign to let people know about it

Send the link to your campaign to many people in order to get them to donate. People cant help your campaign if they dont know it exists.

Get started now.