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May 07 2018

How to start a fundraiser for a family?

If one or both of the breadwinners in a family becomes unable to work, it is very likely that they will need a few different kinds of support, one of them being financial. It is easy to fundraise for a family in need with mycause, and help them get back on their feet sooner.

  1. Start an online crowdfunding campaign
  2. Think about a clear goal for your campaign
  3. Choose a name for your campaign that will appeal to people
  4. Think about their story and/or journey
  5. Choose a great image that encourages donations
  6. Share your campaign to let people know about it

In depth:

1. Start an online crowdfunding campaign

The mycause website is easy to use, click Start Fundraising, choose what you are fundraising for, and enter in all the information. The Donate Nowbutton lets people donate easily, and you can keep track of how your campaign is going.

2. Think about a clear goal for your campaign

Discuss with the family what their needs are, and therefore what they need to get out of the campaign. Set an amount that you want the campaign goal to be, and choose a deadline.

3. Choose a name for your campaign that will appeal to people

Think of a concise way to let people know that the campaign is for the family. Maybe even use the family name in the title to make it easily recognisable as a campaign for them. e.g Help The Smiths Get Back On Their Feet

4. Think about their story and/or journey

Ask the family how they came to need the campaign. What have they been through and why are they in their situation? Word their story in a way that will appeal to people and encourage them to donate.

5. Choose a great image that encourages donations

A picture of the family together is very nice, it shows people who the family is and a nice picture can make people feel a connection to the family, so they want to donate.

6. Share your campaign to let people know about it

Send the link to your campaign to many people in order to get them to donate. People cant help your campaign if they dont know it exists. Friends of the family are the first point of call and will often spread the word as well.

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