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July 12 2021

Community Advocacy to Stop Harmful Over Development

Local Australians are taking matters into their own hands by standing up against harmful commercial construction in their community.

What is Community Advocacy?

Community advocacy is a preventative approach that enables people to be active citizens and self-advocate in regards to decisions affecting their lives.

Why are Community Advocates important?

Community advocates are those individuals that have a vested interest in the development and redevelopment of a neighborhood or community. These individuals are not only concerned about the health and welfare of his or her community, they are active in taking action to see a change.

How can it stir change?

It is important for the local council to understand what the community is concered about. Hence why, community advocates are able to be the voice for the cares and concerns of their neighbourhood.

How can you Save Your Suburb and Stop Inappropriate Development?

1. Raise awareness about the issue

Educate your neighbours about the issue by speaking about it on social media, to your local media, or even try door-knocking. You would never know who's bound to help support your cause.

2. Host a protest

Organise a rally to show the local council how many people are supporting the cause and are against a particular decision that may impede the community's living situation.

3. Fundraise against the harmful construction

Taking action and standing up for a cause is an exciting time for the community, however it is not free...

Hosting protests, gathering the community and taking a stand may involve costs. This may include printing out flyers, purchasing rally materials or even throwing a BBQ for the community advocates involved. There may also be legal costs involved to actioning against a harmful construction by a business.

Fundraising is a great way to help cover costs when taking a stand!

Here are the advocacy fundraisers that is stirring change in their local neighbourhoods through the community's efforts.


Passionate volunteers and residents take a stand to save Parramatta's historic Willow Grove.

An injunction is being sought to halt any works taking place on the heritage-listed 140-year-old Victorian Italianate Villa, Willow Grove.

The widespread community campaign to save Willow Grove has the capability to change the direction for all future heritage protection in NSW. A win for Willow Grove to remain firmly on its foundations in Phillip Street has the potential to set a precedent to protect all heritage - regardless of its listing.

This 5 year community campaign has been run by 100% volunteer-driven residents of western Sydney, relying on community fundraising and donations from members of the Parramatta community.

Since starting the campaign in March, over 255 people have donated to the cause raising $28,419 and counting.

Join in the fight to support and save Willow Grove here -



The 2009 Royal Commission investigated into the circumstances surrounding the Black Saturday Bushfires, and recommended that power lines be placed underground to avoid further heartbreak and devastation.

And even recently last month, tens of thousands of homes were unconnected from the electricity system because of storm damage to powerline infrastructure.
Despite this recommendation, and other incidents, in June of last year, many families received notice that AusNet had planned to construct a 180km high voltage, overhead transmission line from Sydenham to Bulgana, north of Stawell right through the middle of their property, and the properties of many others.

Each tower will stand 85m tall (for perspective, that is taller than that of the towers that light up the MCG), directly above homes of many, and will require a 100m wide devoid of vegetation, deeming the land useless for farming.
On July 17 and 18, Kelly from Bunding, will be running 100 miles, close to that of the proposed length of the Western Victorian Transmission Network Project to raise awareness for the concerns and safety of the many hundreds of communities, farming or otherwise, who will be affected by this build.
This is intergenerational farmland, and these are homes.
All donations will go directly towards marketing and advertising and legal guidance and representation to help preserve our countryside, protect our agriculture, and put the high tension, high voltage power lines underground, where they belong.

Support the action against the AusNet Towers here -


The Save Flinders Pier campaign is calling on the Victorian Government to over-rule Parks Victoria and to put in place a plan to restore this historic timber pier, instead of allowing its demolition. Parks Victoria has estimated the repair cost at about $5m, and most people would consider this a small investment in environmental protection while also preserving an important part of the State's maritime history. Every donation, regardless of size, can help us win this battle.


Do you have an advocacy cause to save your suburb and stop over development in your town? Make a head start on mycause