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November 13 2018

Building a Safe Home

Elizabeth is a little girl who has sadly experienced many horrors in her short life. Having been subjected to unspeakable treatment by her own mother and many men from the age of two years old, Elizabeth now suffers from post-traumatic stress and has been recently diagnosed with bi-polar disorder.

This young girl is now safe with the community of nurturing individuals at Rafiki Mwema, but her mental health is a huge concern. Undergoing specialised treatment has become expensive and the charity wishes to build Elizabeth a permanent home on the Rafiki Mwema farmland, where she can live with a foster mother who will take proper care of her.

In order to fund both the treatment and the construction project, Sarah Rosborg from Rafiki Mwema has created a mycause fundraising campaign which has been inundated with donations and messages of support. Thanks to the more than 3250 people who donated over $84,000 in under two weeks, the construction of Elizabeth’s house will begin shortly.

Thankfully, Elizabeth is finally getting the support and care she desperately needs.