Scratching your head on how to help a cause that you’re passionate about?
Whether it’s for a charity, a cause, or for cancer there are plenty of fun and unique ways to fundraise but what never fails to encourage donors is stepping up to a hairy challenge. Yes, we mean HAIR.
For many people, our hair is a large part of our identity which means changing it can be a pretty big deal.
Pledging to dramatically change your hair is a sure-fire way to turn heads and encourage donors to get involved in your cause!
Where to start?
1. Decide whether to cut, shave or colour your hair for a charity or personal cause of your choosing.
2. Decide on a date and a time to do your dramatic hair chop/colour.
3. Create your fundraising page and share it around with your friends and peers.
4. Get your hair change done while getting as many of your donors involved.
You can host a virtual or face-to-face viewing event or involve your highest donor to do the cut or shave for you!
5. Inspire others to do the same by uploading some great before and after photos of your cut, shave or colour for a cause.
Here are some hairy heroes that are pledging a big chop for charity!
The lovely Jo from our Narkoojee family has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer.
The Latrobe Regional Hospital Chemo unit has been extremely supportive towards Jo and her family throughout her journey so far. It is for this reason that Jo has nominated all the proceeds of our fundraising go to the chemo unit at LRH, for a new patient treatment chair. The cost of the chair is 6,000 and if this goal is met, some of our staff will be shaving their heads in support of Jo.
Feeling inspired? You too can dedicate a hair chop for charity.
Find more hairy fundraising ideas here: