I’m doing The walk in November from Canberra to Sydney because I’m a stage 3 melanoma survivor and by sharing my story of my survival and my journey I can give others in a similar situation hope . 2016 / 2017 was the worst time in my life . I had 3 small children when I was diagnosed with melanoma. I spent my babies first Xmas in hospital having my lymph nodes removed after it was realised my primary melanoma had spread to my lymphatic system. I spent the entire 2017 having cancer treatment . When I was going through treatment in 2017 it was the good stories where people were surviving melanoma that helped get me through and gave me hope . Now I’m in a position , having survived 6 years since my diagnosis where I can give back and share my story . Im also walking to encourage and remind others to get a skin check . They might see what I’m doing and it’s a reminder to get a skin check . Looking forward to walking and raising money for Australian Skin Cancer Foundation .
Well done Michelle on such an incredible achievement and bringing awareness to melanoma!