Teen Challenge Victoria Freedom Ride

Teen Challenge Victoria Freedom Ride

$ 0raised
GOAL $ 100000

Teen Challenge Freedom Ride April 27 2013

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the inaugural

Teen Challenge Victoria Freedom Ride on Saturday April 27th

to support the ongoing work of Teen Challenge Victoria. 

There are 2 options for the ride:

1. Approx 80kms, starting at Lilydale to Mt Evelyn, Silvan, Yellingbo, Woori Yallock, Healesville, Yarraglen back to Lilydale.

2. Lilydale to Warburton and return via Warburton Trail.

Freedom Ride is a challenge both in terms of completing the event and raising funds for Teen Challenge Vic  to provide residential recovery opportunities for those struggling with life controlling issues.  We know that with each rider’s personal effort our goal can be achieved in providing much needed funds and help change the lives of many. 

For more information email: marcia@teenchallenge.com.au and download your 'Riders Pack' Click Here

(Teen Challenge staff, volunteers and students involved in the race are not eligible for prizes)

Teen Challenge Victoria Freedom Ride

$ 0raised
GOAL $ 100000