Stadium Stomp FreezeMND Army

Stadium Stomp FreezeMND Army

$ 0raised
GOAL $ 50000

Help Stomp out Motor Neurone Disease!

Join the Stadium Stomp #FreezeMND Army


You can make a difference by fundraising online in suppport of your efforts to help stomp out MND! Climb the steps of a stadium near you for those who can't and help raise vital funds for MND research into viable treatments and ultimately a cure. 
Stadium Stomp Events are being held at: 
  • Melbounre MCG 26th June 2016
  • Adelaide Oval 3rd July 2016
  • Sydney SCG 17th July 2016
  • Brisbane GABBA 24th July 2016


Create a Fundraising Page


You can create an online Fundraising Page and fundraise as an individual, or invite friends to come along and join your team to tackle the steps together! 


Share your Page


You can share your online Fundraising Page with your friends, family and work mates by email, Facebook or Twitter. Your friends can sponsor you and leave a message. Your donors will receive their donation receipt immediately

Stadium Stomp FreezeMND Army

$ 0raised
GOAL $ 50000