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Why the Val Lishman Foundation? In 1965 Dr Val Lishman, a surgeon, was the first specialist to work away from the city, in the South West Region of Western Australia. We are inspired by his example of selfless community service, kindness and concern for holistic health. The Foundation, established in 1997 at his retirement, celebrates his extraordinary career. What is the Foundation? An independent volunteer organisation promoting Regional health research in Australia. The Foundation was incorporated in 1997 and is a tax-deductible gift recipient. Owned and run by the community, the Foundation is unique in Australia. Our Vision: To promote health research that will provide significant health gain for regional Australia. How did it start? Rotarians and Health Professionals established the Foundation. An inaugural board established the constitution, incorporation and tax-deductibility of donations. Under the constitution Membership is offered to significant supporters. The Members annually elect the incoming volunteer Board. There are currently 75 Members of the Foundation. How does Health Research help the community?