Pantene Beautiful Lengths for LGFB

Pantene Beautiful Lengths for LGFB

$ 0raised
GOAL $ 100000

Donate your hair and get sponsored for Look Good...Feel Better

About Pantene Beautiful Lengths

Pantene is on a mission to support women with cancer by providing free real-hair wigs to women who have lost their locks through treatment. Together with Look Good...Feel Better, Pantene is asking women to skip their next salon trim, grow their hair a little longer and stronger and pledge their ponytails to the campaign. 

With your help we can help these remarkable women feel like themselves again by giving them free real-hair wigs. Many women with cancer say that putting on a wig helps them feel like themselves again, but real-hair wigs are a luxury that few can afford.

Pantene Beautiful Lengths for LGFB

$ 0raised
GOAL $ 100000