LETR Swimathon QLD

LETR Swimathon QLD

$ 0raised
GOAL $ 20000

The Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) and Swimathon are being held on

Saturday the 13th of September 2014.


LETR hope to raise awareness across the community for the great work done

by the Special Olympics movement in assisting intellectually disabled people

through sport, and to fundraise for Special Olympic Athletes.

Bundaberg has seven Athletes representing Queensland who hope to attend

the Special Olympic National Games in October.


The Torch Run will start at 10:00am at Hinkler Shopping Centre car park. You

can cheer on our runners as they head north on Barolin Street and make their

way along Bourbong Street. The run will finish at the ANZAC Pool in Quay

Street, arriving at about 11:15am.


The Swimathon will commence at 11:30am with swimmers aiming to complete

a combined total of twenty kilometres. To support LETR and our Special

Olympics Athletes attend and make a donation on the day, or donate on

this mycause website. Enquiries can be made to Jean Smith on 041539066.

LETR Swimathon QLD

$ 0raised
GOAL $ 20000