Our Kids raises money for Lismore Base Hospital’s Childrens’ Ward, and for kids with special medical needs from throughout the Richmond Valley and beyond, enabling them to receive specialist medical care closer to home.
Our Kids is self funded through community donations and operates under the patronage of the Northern NSW Local Health District. Our Kids has a fundraising Coordinator, Rebekka Battista who works with a team of dedicated volunteers who promote Our Kids and raise vital funds through local events and projects.
Our Kids Management Committee is the group’s governing body. Its members include a paediatrician, and representatives from Lismore Base Hospital, the Northern NSW Local Health, and the community.
Each month the Management Committee meets to discuss the Our Kids Fund and new requests for financial support. The committee is chaired by Suzette Pearce. The members of the committee are: Suzette Pearce, Chris Ingall, Annie Curtain, Rebekka Battista, Kevin Carter, Janet Bowden and Katie O'Rourke.
Our Kids is also proud to have partnered with the Northern Rivers Community Cancer Foundation in making Our House a reality for our Northern Rivers community.