Heart of a community, Hope of a Nation
Apex Foundation improves the quality of life of Australians who have special needs. The main beneficiaries are children - Australia's future.
The Apex Foundation achieves this by managing various Trusts established as a result of successful nation wide fundraising schemes by Apex Australia. The Foundation aims to increase its resources and funds under trust by expanding its membership base, raising the community and corporate profile of its work and engaging in a effective fund raising programs.
The Apex Foundation Limited, as a Company limited by guarantee, acts as Trustee for the various Trusts established as a result of Apex Australia's Service Schemes. The objective of Apex Foundation is to manage the various Trusts entrusted to it by the Association of Apex Clubs ensuring that nominated beneficiaries receive maximised returns while at the same time funds are adequately safeguarded and protected.
The Apex Foundation is managed by an honorary Board of seven elected Directors, one ex officio leaders from the National Board of the Association of Apex Clubs and one independent director.
The Board appoints a professional investment manager to invest the funds of the various trusts within Apex Foundation, in accordance with authorised Trustee guidelines. The Apex Foundation Board closely monitors these funds to ensure that the High Security/Low Risk requirements of The Apex Foundation trust deeds are maintained.
The Board is also responsible for the distribution of annual grants to the nominated beneficiaries of the various Trusts within Apex Foundation, as well as ensuring that the grants are used in accordance with the various trust deeds.
One of the principal ideals which the Apex Foundation has adhered to over its history, is the principle that the success of any project depends upon community support at all levels. We have, therefore, not relied upon government funding for the success or continuation of any of our projects, which has seen many other organisations fall by the wayside. The Apex Foundation is committed to promoting private philanthropy and good corporate citizenship.
Our Mission Statement
The Apex Foundation's mission statement is to improve the quality of life of Australians who have special needs.
Our Vision
Our vision is that all Australians will have the opportunity to realise their potential and participate fully in our community.
Our Goals
The Apex Foundation aims to:
Exhibit leadership by identifying humanitarian initiatives to improve services to the community and facilitate their implementation.
Work collaboratively with the Apex Clubs of Australia.
Contribute to material and effective research activities and programs that promote social, economic and cultural values.