Carcoar Cup

Carcoar Cup

$ 1780raised
GOAL $ 0


8.00am Sunday
The hero of the festival, this race is run over the traditional marathon distance (42.2KM) but with a mix of sealed and unsealed surfaces and changes in altitude and scenery along the way. The Carcoar Cup begins in Carcoar, travelling along the Fell Timber Rd and out onto the Mandurama Neville road. Competitors then loop out around the back of Neville before storming down the main street to the cheers of waiting spectators as they cross the half way mark. Runners then make their way along the Blayney Shaw Neville Rd towards Blayney before turning left for the climb onto the Mt Macquarie saddle leading to the mostly gentle descent into Carcoar.
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8.45am Sunday (Neville)
The half marathon begins in NEVILLE and, following the second half of the Carcoar Cup route, makes it way back to CARCOAR over the saddle of Mount Macquarie.
At 21 km in length it is a great way to be involved in the festival without having to complete the whole marathon distance… Or use it as training for the Carcoar Cup next year!
TRANSPORT will be available where required to Neville from Carcoar, before the race or after competitors have finished.
8.00am Sunday
The Carcoar Cup Marathon course has been easily divided into four separate sections for the teams event. The sections vary slightly in distance and difficulty, so allowing for teams combining various strengths, older and younger, and disabled contestants.
Sections 10kms, 12.5kms, 8.5kms and 11kms
This makes for perfect teams events!
Entries are invited in the following categories:
OPEN: Any combination of four runners. (preferrably human – Rex will be denied entry!)
MILE LONG CLUB: Carcoar Cup’s most exclusive club, 26 members only, each to run a mile for charity (For special membership qualifications talk to Andrew, Mile Long Club President.)
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8.45am Sunday
The Carcoar to Creek Dash is a shorter alternative for those who want to be involved in the festival but for whatever reason don’t want to run the bigger distances.
Starting in Carcoar, runners will head up Mount Macquarie, turning Right onto the Fell Timber Road and race down to the Coombing Creek Bridge. Runners will then turn around and charge back to Carcoar.
This run is approximately 6km.
8.15am Sunday
The Carcoar Cup for Kids is a short race around the town of Carcoar designed for the young ones. At approximately 1.8km it is a challenging enough distance for the competitive ones but short enough to still be fun.
The race starts outside the Courthouse in Icely St, heads east and turns right before the Carcoar School, then the runners pound flat out across Pound Flat (couldn’t resist), across the ford, up and left into the Showgrounds; around the Showgrounds and out the top gate to Uralba, right along Eulamore St, right again into Naylor St, along Naylor St past all the crowds at the footy ground and over the bridge before swinging left into Belubula St and the FINISH LINE.
There will also be Trophies for the winners and runners up – boys and girls divisions for each age group.
First Child in every family $10 contribution, every subsequent child only $5.
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9.00am Sunday
This new race will start outside the Royal Hotel and race around Carcoar and out to the railway bridge and back. So many in this age-group did so well against much older and more experienced runners lin the Carcoar to Creek Dash in 2011, that we decided they needed their own race. Approx. 6kms. U18, U16, U14 divisions.

Carcoar Cup

$ 1780raised
GOAL $ 0