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February 01 2017

What’s the most efficient way to raise funds for my school?

If you are involved in your school’s fundraising team or parents association, you may be looking to find new and efficient ways to raise money for your school. 

Rather than just raising funds through traditional methods such as cake stalls, school fetes, and chocolate fundraisers, you may wish to consider adding online fundraising to your school fundraising strategy.

Online school fundraising can cover:

  • School fundraising events
  • School appeals and campaigns, and 
  • Student/family fundraising. 

School fundraising events

If your school is participating in or creating your own walkathon, spellathon or danceathon, then consider using a school fundraising website to handle the event registration, fundraising and merchandise all in one place. Students can register and create an online fundraising campaign, which can then be shared with friends and family to raise funds for the school.  Or save time - we can upload your student or class list for you. Sign up for free here and get started

School appeals and campaigns

Those wanting to run a school annual appeal or a specific fundraising campaign (e.g. to fund a new school playground or building project) should consider creating an online fundraising appeal. This can be easily shared by email and social media, which is more efficient than running a mail based appeal. A great example is the Arranounbai School appeal, who successfully used online fundraising to fund a new school minibus.

Student fundraising

Your students and their families can also create their own online fundraising campaigns to raise funds for your school by setting up their own mycause charity fundraising campaignThe Vlahos family did an excellent job of raising funds for new library books for Cairnsfoot Special School

For all of the above, donations made are immediately receipted and sent directly to your school, meaning more efficiency and less time spent on administration.

Sign your school up for mycause online school fundraising today.