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February 01 2017

What is online fundraising for schools?

Online school fundraising (crowdfunding) is when you use a school fundraising website like mycause to assist you in raising funds for your school. It is an easy and efficient way for parents associations, school fundraising staff, students and families to collect donations for their school.

You can use a school fundraising website to run a school fundraising event (such as a walk-a-thon, spell-a-thon or dance-a-thon), run school appeals and campaigns, or create a student or family fundraising campaign.

Online school fundraising is a great way to spend less time and money on fundraising administration, as this particular form of fundraising utilises email and social media to easily share your fundraising efforts. Donations made are also immediately receipted and sent directly to your school.

It’s a great idea to add online school fundraising to your more traditional school fundraising methods such as bake stalls, fetes, tuck shops and chocolate fundraisers. 

Sign your school up for mycause online school fundraising today.