When writing a fundraising page keep your language simple and easy to understand. Using jargon related to your cause may feel natural and obvious to you, but not all your supporters and friends will know what everything means. Make sure you do not bombard people with information. If there is too much to written on your fundraiser, people will not take the time to read it. Make sure to highlight important information without over explaining or going off on tangents.
The first part of the fundraising page structure is the cause backstory. Start off by explaining what your charity cause does or what has happened to your friend that needs money raised. Give your supporters a bit of context regarding who it is they will be giving the money to, but remember to keep it concise. When you fundraise for a charity on mycause.com.au, your fundraising campaign page will automatically display the charity’s own description of themselves, but if you are writing a fundraising page for a personal cause, you may need to provide a bit more information.
The next top fundraising tip is to tell people what your personal connection is to the cause you are fundraising for. Give a summary of what the charity means to you specifically, how you heard about it or how they have helped you directly or indirectly. For a personal cause, clarify your relationship with the person or people you are raising the money for. Are they a relative, a close friend or a community member? Write a couple of short sentences that show why the cause is important to you.
An important fundraising page writing tip is to be honest about what the money is needed for and how it will be used. While this is more relevant to personal cause campaigns, where you might say for example your friend needs $3,000 for a surgical procedure and ongoing medication, it is also a good idea to explain your monetary goal for a charity cause fundraising page. In this case, you will not be able to be too specific, but might reiterate a project that the charity is currently involved in, for instance, you want to raise $1,000 to help a homelessness charity provide meals to those in need for a month.
Using this simple fundraising page structure and top fundraising content writing tips, you can set up a fundraising campaign page to attract donors, friends and potential supporters.