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August 07 2023

Slipstream Group Launches Fundraising Campaign in Support of Bicycles for Humanity Melbourne



The Slipstream Group, a corporate entity, has recently launched a fundraising campaign to support the remarkable work of Bicycles for Humanity Melbourne (B4H). This grassroots charity focuses on collecting and shipping second-hand bicycles to parts of Africa, where they find new life in the hands of health workers and local community members.


The current fundraising drive is centered on container #28, which represents an ongoing effort to not only provide bicycles but also foster local business, education, and community building.


B4H Melbourne operates solely through the hard work of volunteers, who collect bikes that might otherwise be headed for landfills. Once shipped to Africa, these bicycles become treasured assets, and the shipping container itself is converted into a bike spare parts and mechanic shop.


Beyond merely donating bikes, B4H’s initiative includes training local individuals as bike mechanics, creating employment opportunities, and establishing community hubs. The multi-faceted outcomes include improved lives for new bike owners, recycling, education, job creation, business building, and community strengthening.


Slipstream Group's decision to support B4H aligns with their desire to connect with a charity that reflects their values. The launched fundraising page was aimed to raising approximately $11,000, the cost to purchase and ship a container. But thanks to the generosity of the donors the campaign actually raised almost $70,000.


"Bicycles for Humanity's mission of empowering communities resonates strongly with us," said a spokesperson from the Slipstream Group. "We are thrilled to support their efforts in improving access to healthcare, education, and employment, one bicycle at a time, and encourage others to contribute to this inspiring cause."


The fundraiser represents an opportunity for individuals and other corporations to join this story of empowerment and sustainability.


B4H Melbourne's commitment to transforming second-hand bikes into tools for positive change is a compelling model of how grassroots efforts can have wide-reaching impacts. By supporting this initiative, Slipstream Group is playing a key role in a global narrative of community building and environmental responsibility.


Those interested in contributing to the fundraising campaign can find more information and make a donation through the page set up by Slipstream Group. By taking part, donors are actively engaging in a story that transcends geographical boundaries and brings tangible benefits to communities in need.


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