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October 10 2016

How to pay for pet surgery and medical costs

Pets are often the most beloved members of the family, there to greet you at the door and offer comfort after a tough day at work. It is incredibly distressing for all family members when the family pet is injured or in need of medical assistance, and it can be difficult to cover the out of pocket costs that aren’t covered by your pet’s insurance. When the family simply can’t afford to spend thousands of dollars on life-saving surgery for their furry friend, then crowdfunding can be a way to help cover the costs.


Raise Money for Pet Surgery

When Shakira and Cameron took in rescue dog Destra as foster carers, they soon realised that they wouldn’t be able to let her go.

“We got her when she was 6 and she is now 8.5. [Destra] spent the first 6 years of her life on a chain. The night we got her we let her off her chain and she didn’t know herself, she looked down at her neck and back up at us so confused, but instantly ecstatic.”

After forming such a close bond with the adorable husky, the couple soon took her to the vet for vaccinations. While there, the vet discovered Destra’s hind legs were seriously injured, with tears in the ligaments.

It was heartbreaking for the couple to see their beloved pet in so much pain.

“We don’t have the money behind us to do the surgeries she needed urgently. Her right leg was worse than her left and needed an extra ligament replacement. We didn’t want her to suffer, so we thought our only option would be to put her down.”

Shakira and Cameron were quoted $7500 to repair both of Destra’s legs, but it was impossible to afford the surgery and vet bills on one wage. The decision was made to give Destra enough painkillers to make her comfortable, then give her one last week before being put down.

Thankfully, Shakira’s mother came up with an idea of how they could save Destra.

“My mum then suggested we should start a fundraiser for Destra’s surgery - so that’s what we did, in a last ditch effort to save our pup.”

The mycause campaign received online support, with the campaign shared across our Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram channels.

To date, the Save My Husky Destra campaign has received over $7000 in donations, with family, friends and Australians across the country offering donations to save this beautiful adopted husky.


Raising funds for an Animal Charity Cause

When Meaghan turned 30, the last thing that she wanted was for everyone to kick up a fuss on her birthday.

Close friend Melissa created a mycause campaign to raise funds for Meaghan’s cause - animal welfare - and encouraged their friends to support the campaign in lieu of a gift.

“A few years back, Meaghy volunteered at Monika’s Doggie Rescue every weekend. She would drive out to Ingleside, and then spend the day walking the pooches living in the shelter.”

“When she decided the time was right, she turned to Monika’s Doggie Rescue to adopt her own pooch...and when she met Scrappy it was love at first sight.”

Monika’s Doggie Rescue is dedicated to saving abandoned dogs and rescuing them from Sydney’s pounds.

The target for Meaghan’s surprise birthday cause was $500 - her family and friends donated over $700 to Meaghan’s favourite charity, providing Meaghan with a wonderful surprise on her special day.


Anyone can harness the power of their friend, family and online community to achieve their crowdfunding goal. If your pet is in need of life-saving surgery or you simply wish to raise money for an animal charity, then create a crowdfunding campaign today.