Just over a year ago, 25-year-old Josh Davis became a quadriplegic after an unfortunate accident. Now Josh is sharing his story to make sure no one else ends up in his situation.
In January 2018 when the accident happened, Josh was airlifted to the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne where scans showed severe damage and trauma to his neck and spinal cord. Josh required 2 immediate surgeries: one to relieve the pressure on his spinal cord and another to remove the damaged bones and vertebraes.
Josh spent many months in the hospital after that in rehabilitation with his family close by. Medical bills and daily expenses for Josh’s family were adding up so we started a fundraising campaign for him. We have been so proud to have helped Josh and his family raise over $60K for his rehabilitation in 2018 and we can't wait to see what 2019 brings!
All donations to Josh are tax-deductible thanks to our friends at Helping A Friend In Need (ABN: 86 611 164 197). If you would like to make a donation to Josh's page, please visit mycause.com.au/joshdavis.
Thank you to Jenny Mikakos MP and Maddie Slattery, Peter Hitchener and the 9 News team for bringing Josh's story to the Australian people.
Watch the segment at: https://www.facebook.com/mycauseaus/videos/630846897337293/