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October 04 2018

MEDIA: Alzheimer’s WA Ambassador Walks to Remember

Pippa McManus is a prominent fashion illustrator from Embleton Western Australia and a vocal supporter of Alzheimer’s WA.

When she was a teenager, Pippa’s father struggled with Alzheimer’s for seven years before passing away, and now her mother has also been diagnosed with dementia. Pippa remembers how much Alzheimer’s WA helped her father throughout his battle and wants to give back to the charity.

Last year Pippa participated in the Alzheimer’s WA Walk to Remember and raised over $5,000 for the charity. This year, as an ambassador for the charity, Pippa will walk for the event again and is encouraging as many people as possible to join her. Pippa wants to help the families and children like her who are carers for their parents with Alzheimer’s and raise money for support services, education and social research.

The Walk to Remember will take place on three separate dates in October and November, with each date in a different location, so there are plenty of opportunities to join in and raise money and awareness for Alzheimer’s WA and the great work they do. Register to walk and start fundraising at

You can also donate to Pippa's fundraising page or directly to Walk to Remember.

Read more about Pippa and her parents’ story at the Eastern Reporter.