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July 23 2021

Lockdown Fundraisers for Small Businesses Impacted by COVID-19

Are you a small business who has been impacted by the corona virus pandemic and lockdowns? Take action to keep your business doors open by creating a COVID-19 relief fundraiser.

Everybody has been affected by the pandemic one way or another, however small business owners have become one of the worst hit by the on and off lockdowns across Australia.

Many small businesses have had to make major sacrifices just for their store to survive including budget cuts, letting go of loyal staff and re-modelling their operational system to suit the pandemic's restrictions.

Sadly, adapting to the climate of lockdown is not a priveldge that all businesses have.

Work places where face-to-face interaction in essential had to go into complete shut down during lockdown. This affected local hairdressers, bars, clubs, arts theatres, dance studios and more.

Now desperate Australians are turning to fundraising, to rally their supporters and loyal customers in order to survive the lockdown period so they can continue their work once its over.

At mycause, the set up of a fundraising page and the use of the platform is completely free. 

Simply create your page, invite your supporters and start fundraising! 

Here are the local Australians who have started a successful fundraising campaign to help their small business during the pandemic:



The Henry-Lee Barbershop have had to be vigilant in closing their doors every lockdown announcement in Melbourne due to having many team members vulnerable to the virus, including the owner Lily Peddle who is immuno-compromised.

The shop has just turned four years old and has built a strong clientele and community in the heart of Collingwood.

Lily says, “It has been extra difficult the second time around. I haven't been eligible for much support from the government, and with bills and rent still needing to be paid at the shop I was really feeling the pinch, hence why I made a crowdfund with mycause.”

Lily started the fundraising page to help cover the accumulated business costs, rent of the premises, and support a team member who is on a sponsored visa and is not eligible for government support.

“I had a lot of people reaching out to me to offer support and ask how they could help us during this time. We really felt the love from our clients and our community and realised that people want to do as much as they can to make sure that their favourite businesses are still there to return to when this is all over,” said Lily.

With over 36 donations to date, the Henry-Lee fundraiser has raised $2,865 and is not far from achieving its $4,000 goal.

View the Herny Lee Barbershop Fundraiser.


Melbourne's much-loved live music venues unite in their second Virtual Tip Jar Fundraiser as they endure Melbourne's Lockdown 4.0.

The Last Chance Rock & Roll Bar, Whole Lotta Love Bar, Bergy Seltzer and the newly added, The Gasometer Hotel, have banded together to create a Virtual Tip Jar where all funds raised are split evenly 4 ways.

Hospitality and the live music industry are one of the worst affected by lockdown laws.

The recently announced Melbourne Circuit Breaker Lockdown in May 2021 has just been extended which will mean many workers, performers and creatives will go without pay for an indefinate period of time until the restrictions are lifted.

In 2020, the bars united together to host their first Virtual Tip Jar Fundraiser and raised ovr $8,750 through the community's efforts - 

"If you have stumbled across this link while scrolling your newsfeed, If you have ever played one of these stages, seen a local band, enjoyed a pint, or kicked on at one of these venues, please consider throwing in some change, whatever you can justifiably spare! Visit their websites and check out the other ways you can directly help keep these guys heads above water," says Thomas Jay, the campaign coordinator.

Every donation can help support all 4 local businesses through one click. 

View the Virtual Tip Jar Fundraiser.


The arts industry is one of the worst affected by lockdown impacting 50,000 professional artists and 600,000 workers in the creative industry. Melbourne performing arts theatre, The Knack Theatre is turning to fundraising after the premiere production 'The Cuddle Parlour' by Emma Gibson on the 26th July - 31st July has been cancelled and postponed. This theatre project was funded from the pockets of the TCP Production Team Chelsea, Matt, and Nicola, who have had their casual work ceased due to lockdown restrictions. The team is also ineligible for the disaster payments provided by the government. Campaign creator Matt says, "We wouldn't ask this from you, but we have been displaced by these restrictions from doing what we love and we need your support now more than ever.

The Australian Arts Sector is suffering from this pandemic and now is your chance to help out one area of that industry." View the Cuddle Parlour Theatre Fundraiser.


So much more than a dance studio, Body Electric is a home for those who dream of dancing on stage, a creative outlet beyond the hustle of daily life. It’s a place to connect with people who share our passion... and hopefully one day soon, a glitter-filled on-stage performance for our nearest and dearest. They have asked for help and the community has answered raising over $15,000. Check out We Love Body Electric

Are you a local business that is struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown?

Fundraise to help your business stay afloat today!