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March 25 2021

Fundraising Tips & Tricks for Individuals

Fundraising Tips


Fundraising tips and tricks are one of the top searches. We understand why. Fundraising can be intimidating, especially if you are new to the process. Asking friends and family for money can be awkward without a planned approach. You may also worry fundraising will be overwhelming and time consuming. Well, you've come to the right place. We’ve listed our key fundraising tips and important tricks to help you fundraise successfully. 

Fundraising Tips

1. Choose a simple fundraising name

Choosing a simple fundraising page name is an often overlooked tip! Yet it is exactly where you should start for a successful fundraiser. You're looking for something that immediately tells people who you're fundraising for or what the challenge is.

Don't fret about it being catchy and clever. If it is simple, clear, and easy to remember then you will increase your donations. This is because some people have little time to read all about your campaign or watch your full video. They may also need to remember to donate at a later time. Making your mycause fundraising page easy to find in a search is critical for capturing those donations.

2. Tell the Story

Telling the story behind your fundraiser is a crucial part of being a successful fundraiser. This need not scare or overwhelm you. You don't need to write a thesis or film a documentary. No one has time for that anyway! People do, however, connect deeply with personal stories.

Getting personal takes some scripting for people who find this uncomfortable. Start by jotting down three points about why you chose to fundraise for this person or charity. Then, add a point about how the funds raised will impact those who will receive them. If you're fundraising for a charity, it's always interesting to talk about their work or acheivements. These points form the structure of every piece you create for your fundraiser and each time you talk to your friends.

3. Create a short video

Creating a short video is so easy these days. You can simply use your phone and upload it onto Facebook. Video is proven to be one of the most persuasive mediums on the internet. A video of you explaining your campaign and the personal story behind the cause can help people feel a sense of urgency and support your campaign. Keep your video short, be authentic and be clear. Remember your script structure and you'll do great. You could even put those dot points or a full script somewhere you can read from while recording. No one expects you to speak to camera professionally. They will be impressed at how clearly you've expressed your goals and be drawn in to the authenticity of the points you're making.

4. Share with your networks

Share your mycause fundraising page with all your networks. Chatting with family and friends on social media and work mates online is commonplace now. Tap into these networks and don't limit yourself to the people you are more frequently in touch with. But do reach out individually, or in smaller groups, as much as you can. People respond better when a request is made directly to them not just blasted out into the "intersphere".

Also, let them know you're happy for them to share your page with others so everyone's support can have a greater impact. This is better than just asking for them to share. The beauty of online fundraising is it doesn't take any effort to pass on the message and you will always be linking back to your mycause fundraising page.

Tricks for a Successful Fundraiser

Reach out to the local community and businesses

Get the wider community and local businesses involved, too. Let them know via local media and social groups how they can help support your cause. When you speak to local businesses, ask to hang up a campaign poster with a QR code or check if they could help you host a fundraising event. For example, a local campaigner approached a popular café and asked them to help their cause. The café promoted the fact that, for one day, $2 of every coffee sold would be donated to the cause. The fundraiser was able to raise an extra $500 by collaborating with the café.

Thank your donors

Just like a charity would thank their donors, it's important that you thank your donors after the close of your fundraiser. If you took on a challenge or organised an event, let them know how it went. Share the gritty details and thrilling photos. Most importantly, let them know how much they helped you raise. When you're thanking, you're not just showing gratitude. You are making your supporters feel like part of something big, which people need to feel. It also builds a sense of community that will benefit you greatly when you take on your next fundraising challenge.

Understand how social media works

Those who work in marketing understand best how social media works. It does not work well if you approach social media as simply a broadcasting channel. Many people don't realise that most social media algorithms favour posts that do not link outside the platform. It makes sense. They want users to stay engaged with them as long as possible. So the best thing to do when you want to share your mycause fundraising page is to put the link in the comments (and let people know in your post to look there for it!).

You would also benefit from understanding who uses which social media channels. You could simply look at who responds to your own posts and stories, or you could do some more research. Also consider which medium a social media platform is designed for. Instgram is designed for visual mediums and therefore posts with just text are not shared much.


Now you know our fundraising tips and tricks you can overcome awkwardness, overwhelm, and raise money successfully! Taking a moment to plan is essential and it will actaully save you time and hassle. Not to mention it will ensure you raise the most money you can. If you're still at the thinking stage and haven't yet worked out who you'd like to fundraise for, check out our fundraising ideas page for inspiration. All the best!