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December 13 2018

Charities Appealing During the Holiday Season

The end of the year is a time of celebration and time with the family, but for charities, it is also a time to get financially prepared for the coming year. During the festive season, many different charities ask their supporters to dig deep one last time for the year and donate to their holiday appeals so when the new year rolls around, they can hit the ground running and provide all the services and support to those who need it.

Barwon Child, Youth & Family (BCYF) is running their Christmas appeal Foster a Future in order to raise enough money to place more children in more stable and longer term foster care homes in Geelong and the Barwon region. Each donation will help them recruit, train and retain foster carers and will play an important part in providing their foster children with stable and loving homes and the opportunity to be involved in recreational activities in Geelong.

Thanks to support from their generous community, BCYF has raised over $24,500 for their Christmas appeal so far and are well on their way to reaching their goal.

For their Chanukah appeal, The Friendship Circle told the story of one child who feels cared for and included because he is a part of their programs. Even though he cannot speak, the impact that The Friendship Circle has had on little Archer is obvious. The charity wishes to continue providing the care and positive environment for children with disabilities for years to come, and donating to their holiday appeal will help them look after many children like Archer and make them feel like a part of something.

Donations from the community have already reached almost $19,000 for the Chanukah appeal and will go towards running programs and activities for many children with disabilities.

St John Ambulance Australia is using their Christmas appeal to raise much needed funds so the St John Eye Hospital, which has been struggling in recent years, can keep its doors open and provide important medical care. The Eye Hospital’s work depends on the continued enthusiasm and generosity of loyal supporters to continue to thrive as a bastion of hope, empowerment and life-changing services in the region. With over 130 years of history, this institution has been caring for people for a long time and hopes to continue for a long time to come.

Supporters of St John Ambulance Australia have rallied and raised over $33,600 within the first two weeks of the appeal being online.


The holiday spirit reaches almost everyone so the festive season is a great time for charities to ask their supporters for a donation. Even a small donation to a holiday appeal can make a big difference to both the charity, and those they help.