This December, Australians opted to assist people going through a tough time during the festive season. The debilitating illnesses experienced by Australians on a daily basis places significant strain upon the families.
Rachel Battersby was diagnosed with Lyme Disease in June 2016, after suffering from traumatic spasms and chronic pain that cripples Rachel, day in day out. The muscle spasms are confronting and incredibly upsetting for Rachel to endure, especially as these spasms can take over at any time without warning. After exhausting all available forms of treatment in Australia over the past 6 years, Rachel’s last hope is to receive treatment overseas in Germany. The extensive medical treatment is placing significant financial strain upon Rachel and her family, preventing Rachel from receiving her potentially life-changing Lyme Disease treatment. Despite the hurdles placed in Rachel’s way, Rachel is determined to return to the joyful, motivated woman she once was. After launching a crowdfunding campaign, Rachel has gathered over 170 donations, with $13,700 going toward her overseas treatment.
Baby Walter has been ill since birth - what was initially thought to be jaundice was revealed to be something much more serious. When Walter was just 9 weeks old, he was rushed to the Royal Children’s Hospital. Once multiple tests were conducted each day on Walter’s little body, the heartbreaking truth was revealed - Walter has a childhood liver disease, called biliary atresia. This incredibly rare liver disease is life-threatening, leaving Walter and his parents with no choice but to seek a liver transplant. With Walter’s condition declining after months of waiting and hoping for a treatment, the doctors suggested that a living related donor be found for Walter. Close family friend Anna created a crowdfunding campaign to help the family in the lead up to Christmas, giving them a chance to spend some precious moments together after the operation on December 20. Walter’s story was featured in the Herald Sun, 9 News National, 10 News National and 7 News Melbourne.
It is wonderful to see the kindness and compassion shown by Australians, eager to assist others in the lead up to Christmas. If you have a friend or family member who could benefit from some assistance, then create a crowdfunding campaign today to help cover their treatment, medication or lessen their financial pressure today.