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September 18 2023

Accident Abroad: Raising funds to bring a loved one home


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Accidents and emergencies are unpredictable and can happen anywhere, anytime, including abroad. When such incidents occur overseas, whether due to car accidents, infections, criminal events, or medical emergencies, the situation becomes even more challenging. Whether it’s a family member, friend, or loved one involved, the emotional toll can be overwhelming.

In such unfortunate situations, the financial burden can add stress, especially when insurance falls short. This comprehensive guide outlines effective fundraising strategies to support someone facing an unexpected accident abroad.


Before embarking on any fundraising efforts, it's crucial to thoroughly understand the insurance situation. Review the insurance policy and contact the insurer to clarify any doubts. In some cases, insurance may cover the cost of overseas accidents, so it's essential to explore this option before seeking alternative funding.



Accidents that can happen on a trip:

  • Car Accident: Basic insurance plans will not cover accidents while driving. You will need to add car insurance.
  • Falls: Basic insurance will cover you for trips if you fall, but only if it’s under 2,000 meters in altitude, and you weren’t under the influence of alcohol at the time.
  • Motorcycle or Scooter Accidents: Insurance will cover you if you choose Motorcycle coverage, but only if you hold a valid Australian motorcycle rider’s license, and the engine capacity is 250cc or less.
  • DFAT Do Not Travel: Any type of accident in a Country on the DFAT Do Not Travel List.
  • Theft and Loss: You will need a full police report and must make a claim within 24 hours.
  • Hiking and Trekking: Insurance will only cover you if the activity takes place below 3,000 meters.
  • Walking: Accidents that occur while walking will only be covered if they happen below 3,000 meters in altitude.

Remember to check your specific insurance PDS as this information may vary.


How to Raise Money for an Accident Overseas


Utilise Fundraising Platforms


Fundraising platforms have become powerful tools for raising funds for various purposes, including medical emergencies overseas. Create a compelling story explaining your loved one's situation, the urgent need for funds, and the expected expenses. Share the campaign on social media, and ask friends and family to share it as well.


Create a mycause Fundraising Page


Create a mycause Fundraising Page to start raising funds for your friend, family or yourself. Start by describing why the funds are important and what are they gonna be used for. With a mycause fundraising page, you can easily share it with your friends, family or network and make updates so people know how everything is going. 




Facing the harrowing situation of bringing a loved one home from overseas after an accident can be emotionally and financially draining. When insurance falls short, it's essential to remain proactive and explore various avenues to raise funds. By creating a fundraising page, you can start raising vital funds and alleviate the financial burden of an accident overseas.


If you want to learn how to create a great fundraising page then check out this great article detailing how to best create your mycause fundraising page, or start your fundraising today by clicking the button below.