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August 01 2023

7 Great Sports & Clubs Fundraising Ideas



When it comes to supporting your sports team or club, fundraising plays a crucial role in generating the necessary funds to cover expenses, purchase equipment, and organise events. While traditional methods like selling raffle tickets or soliciting donations still work, thinking outside the box can lead to more successful and exciting Sports Fundraising Campaigns. Here are seven creative ideas for sports fundraising that can elevate your efforts and bring in much-needed resources:


1. Host a BBQ Event


Who doesn't love a good old-fashioned BBQ? Organise a community BBQ event where players, coaches, families, and supporters can come together for a day of delicious food and fun games. Sell tickets for the event and offer a range of food options to cater to different tastes. You can also organise friendly matches or competitions during the BBQ to further engage attendees and encourage donations. Everything from a simple BBQ where you can sell Hot-Dogs to a well-organised event can have a big impact on your fundraising efforts. You can also set up a Bunning BBQ and take advantage of their busy foot traffic and supportive community ethos.


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2. Feature Donors with High Donations


Acknowledge the generosity of your donors by featuring them prominently on your website, social media, or even at events. Create a "Wall of Fame" or "Donor Spotlight" section to honour those who have made significant contributions. This recognition not only shows appreciation but can also inspire others to donate more. 




3. Give Something in Return


People are more likely to donate when they feel they are getting something in return. Consider offering branded merchandise like T-shirts, caps, water bottles, or stickers as a token of appreciation for different donation levels, or offer something unique like handmade desserts or pastries and sell them to gather funds. You can also collaborate with local businesses to offer discounts or special perks to donors, creating a win-win situation for both parties.




4. Do a Challenge



Challenges have become a viral fundraising trend in recent years. Create a challenge that aligns with the purpose of your fundraiser and encourages participation from the community. For instance, you can organise a "50 Free Throws Challenge" for basketball teams, a "Longest Rally Challenge" for tennis clubs, or a "Swimming Challenge" for your swimming team. Participants can seek sponsorship for their challenge attempt, and funds raised go to support the team.




5. Seek Sponsorships


Reach out to local businesses and corporations to seek sponsorship opportunities. Offer different sponsorship levels, each with its own set of benefits such as logo placement on team uniforms, banners, or social media shout-outs. A well-structured sponsorship program can provide long-term financial support for your sports team while promoting local businesses in the community.


6. Reach Out to Alumni


Alumni can be a valuable source of support for your sports team. Create an alumni outreach program to reconnect with former players, coaches, and supporters. Host alumni events, offer exclusive perks to alumni donors, and use social media to maintain a sense of community. Many alumni would be delighted to give back to the team that once meant so much to them.




7. Set Up an Event:


Organise a fundraising event such as a tournament, match, or challenge and invite teams from other clubs or schools to participate. Sell tickets to spectators and set up concession stands to generate additional revenue. You can also incorporate mini-fundraising activities within the event to boost participation. 



Sports fundraising can be both rewarding and enjoyable with a bit of creativity and ingenuity. By implementing these seven ideas, your team can not only raise much-needed funds but also foster a stronger sense of community and support. Remember to leverage social media and local networks to spread the word about your fundraising efforts, and always express genuine appreciation to your donors for their generosity. 


If you are a sports team or club representative and want to set up an event with mycause sign up and start your fundraising efforts. 


If you’d like to see more fundraising ideas for Sports & Clubs check out these amazing pages, or start your fundraising today by clicking the button below.