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February 07 2017

How charities use online crowdfunding part two

There are a number of ways for charities to raise funds that don’t involve cash in hand or walking around, shaking tin cans at people passing by. Australian charities can collect donations online with ease through a number of mycause products, such as crowdfunding, regular giving and charity events.


Creating a charity campaign

Charities can create their own personal crowdfunding campaign to support a particular individual or to raise funds for themselves. When Essendon football player and MAD Foundation patron Michael Hurley decided to part ways with his beloved beard, he offered to make the shave an event. MAD Foundation launched a mycause crowdfunding campaign in the lead up to Hurley’s shave, gathering momentum and media attention in the lead-up to the shave. Thanks to the kindness and generosity of football fans and charity patrons, over $35,000 was raised for the charity


Charities creating personal cause campaigns

Australian charity Marrma’ Rom Two Worlds Foundation created a mycause charity campaign after discovering that Jerol, a past member of the foundation, was diagnosed with leukaemia. Jerol was a fit and healthy young man, who had just become a father and was studying while working to support his new family. After the shock diagnosis, Jerol had to travel to Adelaide for a bone marrow transplant and had to remain in the city for the next 12 months, away from his friends and young family.


Charity appeals

Charities are able to launch branded appeals through mycause, such as the Community Meal Tax Appeal hosted by Wesley Mission Queensland. The aim was to raise $30,000 for Community Meal in Fortitude Valley, where people sleeping rough or enduring difficult circumstances at home gather together to share a meal once a week. Each donor was asked to give just $18 toward the total - enough to provide the meal to one person each week. The appeal generated 123 shares online and 250 donations, gathering over $33,000 for this invaluable community service


Regular donors

Charities are also able to regularly engage past donors via the regular giving option available on mycause. Each week, fortnight month or even once a year, a previously selected amount is automatically transferred from the donor’s credit card to the charity’s nominated bank account. Regular giving provides an additional layer of consistent financial support for charities, providing charities with the ability to plan future events or awareness campaigns without significant budgeting concerns. 


Charity events

mycause’s new events platform gives charities the ability to interact with event participants with ease. Each event is customisable, with charities able to create branded events open to individuals, teams and families that are able to register and fundraise all through the event page.


The Beechworth Barrowthon is a very popular event, in which teams push their wheelbarrow 88kms from Beechworth to Mount Buffalo for a charity of their own choosing. The event charges a registration fee to cover event entry, an entry pack and breakfast for the two-day event. The 25 teams raised over $90,000 for their favourite charities, having fun over the weekend with friends while raising vital funds. 


Walk to the Valley is a 7km charity walk in support of the Pat Cronin Foundation, dedicated to collecting donations to prevent senseless acts of violence. The foundation was created in honour of Pat Cronin, a 19-year-old who was struck while assisting his friend. The charity walk encouraged friends and family to register and complete the walk, with food and entertainment at the conclusion of the walk. The registration was set at $25, with children able to join free of charge. The event was able to exceed the original target of $25,000, raising over $35,000 for the education programs and research. 


There are a range of products and methods for charities to strengthen their fundraising mix and gather additional donations. Read our blog post on how charities can use online fundraising to learn more about the tools and resources available for charities with mycause, or get started and launch your campaign today.