Help my dad say goodbye to his Dad

$10 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause



My name is Jessica, I live in Perth Western Australia.
My family (mum and dad) use to live here aswel, until they
Got into some money trouble so they moved to Gladstone in QLD
Because my dad found a job that pays a bit better. My parents are behind paying
Their mortgage and can’t afford much. So me and my partner are flying over on Christmas night
So my mum and dad can see me, and also my son he is (13 months old) They miss him
Soo much and have only seen him a selected few times. My dad works 12 hour days
And weekends to try and pay off their debt. My dad recently got a phone call from my
Uncle who lives in England to let my dad know that my Grandad has Lung Cancer from asbestosis
And that my Grandad Most likely won’t make it past a month. So my dad is just distraught, and I can’t even
Be there with my dad. I called him last night and asked if he is going back to England he said he cant
Afford it now especially with the Christmas airfares they are charging, He said he will save up and go early next year
(I think it will be too late then) and I don’t want him to miss out on saying goodbye to his dad. Me and my partner
Have said we will pay what we can (which isn’t much) as we are building a house and have my son, so we can’t afford a lot
To give. Im asking if anyone who can would like to help me surprise my dad with the money to go back to England! Im happy to take
Pictures of my dad when he finds out so you can see what a caring grateful man he is!
Roger Lucas
Cancer Council WA

Fundraising For

Roger Lucas

Helping my Dad get home to England to say goodbye to his dad before its too late :( Even if he borrows the money from someone and we give the money back for him!

Funds Banked To

Annie & Roger Lucas

Cancer Council WA

Cancer Council Western Australia aims to minimise the incidence and impact of cancer on our community through research, education and by providing people affected by cancer with support to enhance their quality of life.


Campaign Creator

Jessica Lucas

Ashby, WA

Sat, 13 Dec 2014

Jessica Lucas

$ 10

Test <3

SINCE Dec 2014



$10 raised

TARGET $5,000

Please support this cause

Roger Lucas
Cancer Council WA

Fundraising For

Roger Lucas

Helping my Dad get home to England to say goodbye to his dad before its too late :( Even if he borrows the money from someone and we give the money back for him!

Funds Banked To

Annie & Roger Lucas

Cancer Council WA

Cancer Council Western Australia aims to minimise the incidence and impact of cancer on our community through research, education and by providing people affected by cancer with support to enhance their quality of life.

Campaign Creator

Jessica Lucas

Ashby, WA

SINCE Dec 2014

