1000 Cranes for Aidan

$1,290 raised


Please support this cause



Dear Family and friends,

Our classmate and friend Aidan was diagnosed with adrenal cell carcinoma at the beginning of school this year. Aidan is 9 years old and is in the same year as Olivia and Katie at school. The three of us started kindergarten together. While Skye started kindergarten with Aidan brother Riley. The challenge in our school community is to raise $30,000 in 30 days during the month of November. The four of us live on the same street and we wanted to find a way to help Aidan and his family.

Jonathon told us about an ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by a crane. Some stories believe you are granted eternal good luck, instead of just one wish, such as long life or recovery from illness or injury. Our wish is for Aidan to be healthy and to be able to come to school and have a normal life and to recover.

We have a enormous task, having to fold over 250 cranes each!! Its going to take a lot of concentrated effort and refined folding technique to get this done.

You can find more information about Aidan and Aidan's Quest at :
Facebook page: Aidan's Quest

Please sponsor us and make a donation, and support Aidan and Aidan's Quest.

Thankyou for your support

Jonathon, Katie, Olivia and Skye

Fundraising For

Aidan's Quest - Aidan Brown

Early in 2014, 9 year old Aidan Brown from Annandale, New South Wales was diagnosed with adrenal cell carcinoma. This cancer affects fewer than one in a million Australian children. His parents believe he is the only case in Australia. Aidan's Quest is raising $30,000 in 30 days to help the Browns.

Funds Banked To

Aidan Elvy Brown

Campaign Creator

Katie, Skye, Olivia and Jonathon

Annandale, NSW

Tue, 2 Dec 2014

Nick Church

$ 50

We're sponsoring Katie Colliver in this inspiring cause. Good luck Aidan and family - our thoughts and prayers are with you. Regards Heather, Nick, Callum and Charlie (Melbourne friends of Colliver family)

Mon, 1 Dec 2014

Robyn Nejaim

$ 50

What a lovely idea from Aidan's friends to do this - I bet the crane's will be beautiful.

Sun, 30 Nov 2014

Lisa Healy

$ 50

Katie & friends, what a fantastic thing you are doing, happy crane building and really hope your wish comes true. Love Lisa, Rich, Bridget, Stella & Jean

Sun, 30 Nov 2014

Diana Esber

$ 20

Great work Jonathan and Olivia

Sat, 29 Nov 2014

Lisa Simpson

$ 50

Good work!

Fri, 28 Nov 2014

The Bruce-Gilchrists

$ 50

Love your work. Good luck with all that folding and all best wishes to Aidan and his family.

Fri, 28 Nov 2014

Lisa Chambers

$ 100

Wonderful wonderful effort!

Wed, 26 Nov 2014

Sandy Sale

$ 50

Good on you all, you talented and dexterous kids! A very thoughtful and kind thing to do. I'm sure you'll blitz 1000.

Tue, 25 Nov 2014

Priscila Luzzin

$ 50

Keep Strong Aidan... you are a young warrior! You will be good ;-)

Tue, 25 Nov 2014

Orla, Brendan, Liam & Ella

$ 50

Great idea Kate. Good luck to you and your friends. Hope to see some of the cranes. Love and best wishes to the Brown family.

SINCE Nov 2014



$1,290 raised


Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Aidan's Quest - Aidan Brown

Early in 2014, 9 year old Aidan Brown from Annandale, New South Wales was diagnosed with adrenal cell carcinoma. This cancer affects fewer than one in a million Australian children. His parents believe he is the only case in Australia. Aidan's Quest is raising $30,000 in 30 days to help the Browns.

Funds Banked To

Aidan Elvy Brown

Campaign Creator

Katie, Skye, Olivia and Jonathon

Annandale, NSW

SINCE Nov 2014

