SQUAT for charity

$125 raised


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A major concern in developed countries nowadays is health.

There’s obesity – While America’s obesity issue is notoriously bad, Australia isn’t doing much better either. 28% of Australians are obese in 2012, up from 11% in 1989. This is an alarming trend. If weight gain increases at current levels, close to 80% of adults will be overweight or obese by 2025.

Then there’s all the other health risks associated with obesity that directly lead to lifestyle constraints, increased medical costs…and death.

These issues are all very well documented.

In developed countries, there’s plenty of work being done in attempt to address all the health concerns. When people become ill, they generally have access to first class facilities and health care services. Many charities do work to support researches and facilities that help prevent and cure health issues. These are all awesome initiatives.

But I believe the root of all problems, is people’s lack of awareness and understanding in exercise and nutrition.

In school, there are certainly plenty of emphasis on academics. Kids grow up thinking the most important knowledge to have is English and Mathematics skills.There’s very little emphasis on fitness and diet. In PE/sport, only the elite really gets involved and progressed. The fat or weaker kids don’t get much out of it. So the elite gets better and the fat gets fatter.

I believe to truly make the world a healthier place, we have to focus on educating the nextgeneration about exercise and nutrition. Sometimes it’s not just the knowledge – but making sure they become fully aware of the importance of exercise and nutrition to their well being. This is why I like what Muscle Sprouts do.

There are plenty of charity events involving running – 5K, 10K, marathons etc. The benefits of running is well documented, and I love running. But I feel that far too many people are solely relying on cardio for their exercise. Very few appreciates the benefits of weight training. Far too many people still believe weight training is only for building muscle. Does the ‘I don’t want big muscles’ reason to avoid weight training sound familiar?

Here’s where my charity challenge comes in.

Inspired by Jeff Seid’s Squat Challenge, I thought it is time for weight training to have its own charity challenge. Cardio has its running charity events, weight training should too. What better exercise to choose than the ‘king of all exercise’ – the Squat?

With the goals of raising money for Muscle Sprouts to continually expand their programs for kids, AND raising awareness for the merits of weight training, the 100 reps Squat Challenge for Charity is born.

On Saturday, December 21st, 2013, I will perform 100 repetitions of squats @100kg. There are no sets schemes or time limits involved – no matter how long it takes, I just have to grind out 100 reps of squats somehow. I currently weigh 77kg, at 185cm. A video of proof will be uploaded on YouTube.

If you like this idea and the cause, and would like to donate, please visit: https://www.mycause.com.au/page/squatforcharity

All proceeds go towards Muscle Sprouts.

Don’t worry if for whatever reason, you can’t donate – you can still contribute by sharing this article! That would mean a lot, since one of the goals is to raise awareness for weight training.

The ideal long term outcome is to inspire other people to perform similar challenges for charity. Just like you have the 40 hour famine for poverty, Movember for Men’s Health; you have the 100 reps Squat Challenge for Exercise/Health.

Note: ANYONE can perform this challenge provided they can squat properly (to prevent injuries). Choose a weight based off your one rep maximum. Be sensible – if your max is 105kg, you’ll most likely end up in hospital attempting to squat 100kg 100 times. On the other hand, if your max is 220kg+, 100kg may not be that challenging. Ideally, you want to choose a weight that is around 50-60% of your one rep max for a massive, but doable challenge. The hypertrophy gains should be enormous with such a shock to your body!

Please share, like my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter to get updates on this challenge!

I'm raising funds for


Reagan Milstein Foundation

The Reagan Milstein Foundation has been created in the memory of a sports-loving teenager, who died in July, 2010. Our aim is to raise funds to offer financial support to less fortunate youngsters who may not have the opportunity or financial resources to play sport.


About Fundraiser

Hans Leung

Wed, 11 Dec 2013


$ 50

Go ! Go ! Hans

Sun, 17 Nov 2013

Bien and Andrew

$ 50

Well done for doing this for a good cause! All the best! : )

Wed, 13 Nov 2013

Winston Tang

$ 5


Wed, 13 Nov 2013


$ 10

good luck!

Tue, 12 Nov 2013

Daniel Shao

$ 10

Good luck

SINCE Nov 2013



$125 raised


Please support this cause


I'm raising funds for


Reagan Milstein Foundation

The Reagan Milstein Foundation has been created in the memory of a sports-loving teenager, who died in July, 2010. Our aim is to raise funds to offer financial support to less fortunate youngsters who may not have the opportunity or financial resources to play sport.

About Fundraiser

Hans Leung

SINCE Nov 2013

