Help Harley Rose Find Her Feet Again

$330 raised

TARGET $7,000

Please support this cause



My partner and I adopted Harley in November last year when we heard that her litter was dumped at a rubbish tip without food or water and left to die.
We took her into our home and over the past 11 months she has provided us with so much love and enjoyment. She is a beautiful dog with a big heart and a boisterous personality.
In the past months we noticed there were problems with her back legs and after many vet checks we were informed this week that she requires surgery on both her back legs, costing $7,000. The vet has put the problem down to her not receiving the right nutrition and calcium when she was a puppy which resulted in her back legs not growing correctly. She is in pain most days but we are able to ease it for the time being with anti-inflammatory tablets.
We love Harley with all our heart and I know most people would think that $7000 is a lot to spend on a dog but she is a huge part of our family and we couldn't possibly put her down.
We need your help! Please donate so Harley can find her feet again.

Fundraising For

Help Harley Rose Find Her Feet


Funds Banked To

Miss Rebecca K Pierce


Campaign Creator

Rebecca Pierce

Bathurst, NSW

Thu, 31 Oct 2013

Jessica Hyde

$ 50
Wed, 30 Oct 2013

Melinda Harrison

$ 30

Goodluck Becc, i hope Harley gets her surgery.

Wed, 30 Oct 2013

ashlee cousins

$ 20

Hope you get the funds together to help your little mate!!!

Tue, 15 Oct 2013

melissa france

$ 30

Hope this helps Becs.Poor little dog. love Melissa(Amys mum) xx

Sun, 13 Oct 2013

amie kerr

$ 35

Great work guys! :)

Fri, 11 Oct 2013


$ 20
Fri, 11 Oct 2013

Angela Mazur

$ 5

Hey, its not much, but I know every bit counts! Good luck! xx

Fri, 11 Oct 2013

Richard Ross

$ 30

Best of luck Becc

Thu, 10 Oct 2013

Jasyl n Kurtis

$ 50
Thu, 10 Oct 2013

Tasha Roberts

$ 30

SINCE Oct 2013



$330 raised

TARGET $7,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Help Harley Rose Find Her Feet


Funds Banked To

Miss Rebecca K Pierce


Campaign Creator

Rebecca Pierce

Bathurst, NSW

SINCE Oct 2013

