I'll be raising money for the Australian Red Cross by running in various footraces over the next year or so. Please dig deep and donate for this great organisation. Donations are collected in Australian dollars (AUD). 1 AUD = 0.75 CHF, 0.60 GBP, 0.78 USD (approx, July 2017).
Australian Red Cross - Disaster Relief and Recovery
Relief in times of crisis, be it big or small. Care when it’s needed most and commitment when others turn away. With more than 100 million volunteers worldwide and 60,000 members and volunteers in Australia we reach people and places like nobody else and care for local communities in Australia and Asia Pacific. Red Cross is there for people in need, no matter who you are, no matter where you live.
About Fundraiser
James Olle
Mon, 13 Nov 2017
Nick Taylor
$ 1
Mon, 24 Jul 2017
Lisa Keen
$ 20
Sat, 22 Jul 2017
Victoria Crawford
$ 100
Thu, 20 Jul 2017
Charlotte Hinchcliffe
$ 40
Well done James - what stamina!
Wed, 19 Jul 2017
Jan Bach Kristensen
$ 20
Please stop doing bonkers stuff like running around them mountains all night!
Tue, 18 Jul 2017
Dan Stapleton
$ 50
I'll double it if you do that last event again!
Tue, 18 Jul 2017
Melissa Schwab
$ 20
You have been an inspiration and I'm super proud of your accomplishments. Love always
Australian Red Cross - Disaster Relief and Recovery
Relief in times of crisis, be it big or small. Care when it’s needed most and commitment when others turn away. With more than 100 million volunteers worldwide and 60,000 members and volunteers in Australia we reach people and places like nobody else and care for local communities in Australia and Asia Pacific. Red Cross is there for people in need, no matter who you are, no matter where you live.
Well done James - what stamina!