Community Matters in Willoughby

$2,050 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause



When I was elected as Mayor of Willoughby Council in December 2021, community matters were at the heart of my campaign and remain my inspiration and drive to make Willoughby fun, inclusive and sustainable.

My goal was to connect and listen to as many people in our community as possible. I have devoted my time and energy as Mayor driving and delivering many projects forward as requested by the community.

I am committed to continuing to create a renewed, diverse, connected, sustainable and thriving Willoughby. Because community matters. That’s why I’m asking you to help fuel my campaign to represent you on Council.

All donations are tax deductible!

$25 will print info cards to hand out to 100 people
$50 will get our message into 250 mailboxes
$100 makes a bold statement with 10 large signs
$200 dresses 8 of our volunteers in Community Matters T-Shirts
$500 helps us reach 2,500 voters with crucial how-to-vote information
$1000 provides funding for a polling booth kit including T-Shirts for Vollies, Signage, and How-To-Vote Cards - providing impact on election day

We are not a big political party. We are not backed by big business. We are concerned citizens like you who are standing up to enable fresh visionary leadership for Willoughby.

Political Donation Restrictions

The NSW Government sets out several prohibitions about who can donate to a campaign.

If you belong to any of the following groups below, you CANNOT donate to a campaign:

a. a property developer (including anyone becoming a property developer within 12 months)

b. a tobacco industry business entity

c. a liquor or gambling industry business entity

d. a close associate of (a), (b) or (c)

e. any industry representative organisation if the majority of its members are those listed in (a), (b) or (c)

* If you make a political donation to a New South Wales political party, candidate or other political participant in NSW, you may have a legal duty to report the donation to the New South Wales Electoral Commission. A reportable political donation is a single donation of $1,000 or more or multiple small donations made to the same recipient in a financial year that, when added together, total $1,000 or more. Political donors must disclose any reportable political donations they make. Political donors that make reportable political donations are called major political donors and they must disclose to the NSW Electoral Commission annually after the end of the financial year. It is the responsibility of each major political donor to disclose by the annual deadline.

Info about tax deductibility:

Fundraising For

Tanya Taylor

Funds Banked To

Tanya Taylor


Campaign Creator

Tanya Taylor

Willoughby, NSW

Wed, 21 Aug 2024

Sally O'Neill

$ 100
Mon, 19 Aug 2024

Michael Cant

$ 100

All the best for the election.

Wed, 14 Aug 2024

Alina Burdajewicz

$ 50
Mon, 12 Aug 2024

Marlene M

$ 30

It's clear that community does matter to you, Tanya. Thank you and all the very best in your campaign.

Sun, 11 Aug 2024

Kristen Wright

$ 100
Thu, 8 Aug 2024

Ava Taylor

$ 370

You make me proud to be your daughter 💕

Thu, 8 Aug 2024

Ello Meguerditchian

$ 50
Thu, 8 Aug 2024

Fiona Tipping

$ 150

So proud of everything you do TT. Thank you for representing our community with such grit and grace ❤️❤️

Tue, 30 Jul 2024


$ 250
Sun, 28 Jul 2024


$ 200

SINCE Jun 2024



$2,050 raised

TARGET $10,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Tanya Taylor

Funds Banked To

Tanya Taylor


Campaign Creator

Tanya Taylor

Willoughby, NSW

SINCE Jun 2024

