My Family

$0 raised

TARGET $50,000

Please support this cause



We human beings have hope, desire, goals … because we have life which is given by mother. Do you have your mother?My mother in-law is living a death life battling and suffering the pain since two years, she got suffered stroke and paralysed half body.
We (my families) are looking for financial help from public.
Chiropractic and Osteopathic treatment is recommended and for the specialist (doctor),the fees are high. We are exhausted financially, and can’t afford to meet the expense, we have to take her to the doctor 300km away from home monthly and for 1 year which is costly for us.
My family and I personally will be very grateful if someone helps with as little amount one can afford.

We will be very thankful to supporters.


Fundraising For

Mrs. Leki Dema

Funds Banked To

No bank added yet

Campaign Creator

Ganga Bhandari

Bundall, QLD

Be the first to donate to this cause!

SINCE Oct 2023



$0 raised

TARGET $50,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Mrs. Leki Dema

Funds Banked To

No bank added yet

Campaign Creator

Ganga Bhandari

Bundall, QLD

SINCE Oct 2023

