Please help fund Josh's surgery

$15,686 raised

TARGET $30,000

Please support this cause



A few months ago, Josh fell ill with severe headaches as a result of tearing his dura that surrounds the spinal column. He has now been diagnosed with a cerebral Spinal Fluid Leak, which has given him debilitating symptoms with several stays in hospital. This has meant that he has missed a term of Grade 11 and likely the next term as well.

Josh requires a specialised myelogram followed by surgery to seal the leak, which is now the only option to see Josh get back to leading a normal life. The surgery Josh requires is only available in Sydney in the private sector and is estimated to exceed AUD30000. We are reaching out on behalf of Josh, Susie and Emma to anyone who can assist in raising this amount to help the family, who have been through much trauma in the past few years.

Please know that any gift will be greatly appreciated and please keep Susie, Josh and Emma in your thoughts and prayers as they navigate this difficult time.

Fundraising For

Josh Warner

Funds Banked To

Susan M Warner


Campaign Creator

Karola Williams

Eatons Hill, QLD

Sun, 19 Nov 2023


$ 25
Sun, 29 Oct 2023

Mari Perez

$ 100
Fri, 27 Oct 2023

The Dally Family

$ 100

All our love from across the ditch. Thinking of you all at this time xx

Fri, 27 Oct 2023

Pro AV Solutions

$ 1000

Pro AV Solutions is sending you our thoughts and prayers for a successful procedure and a speedy recovery. You've got this!

Fri, 27 Oct 2023


$ 50
Fri, 27 Oct 2023

Matthew Crawford

$ 50
Thu, 26 Oct 2023


$ 50
Thu, 26 Oct 2023


$ 100
Thu, 26 Oct 2023


$ 500
Wed, 25 Oct 2023

Rob Glockling

$ 750

SINCE Oct 2023



$15,686 raised

TARGET $30,000

Please support this cause


Fundraising For

Josh Warner

Funds Banked To

Susan M Warner


Campaign Creator

Karola Williams

Eatons Hill, QLD

SINCE Oct 2023

