SMAART 4 Backpacks 4 Vic Kids

$130 raised

TARGET $2,000

Please support this cause



The colourful backpacks made by Backpacks 4 Vic Kids are filled with love, and are a lifeline to children in need. Often delivered within 24-48 hours of displacement, these packs contain essential items like clothes and toiletries, as well as comforting extras like a torch, teddy bear and blanket. For a child in crisis, the packs restore dignity, ease anxiety, and show them that somebody cares.

Here's why they need your help: there are currently 11,000 Victorian children in out-of-home care, and that number is expected to rise to 26,000 by 2026. They need funds to continue delivering the life-changing support they provide to children.

Every dollar makes a difference. With your help, we can bring comfort and joy to even more Victorian children.

Thank you for your support ♥

I'm raising funds for


Backpacks 4 VIC Kids

Often children are placed quickly into foster care or emergency accommodation without much more than what they are wearing at the time. We provide them with a few essential items to ease feelings of loss and to help with their relocation.

About Fundraiser

SMAART Recruitment


Sun, 4 Jun 2023

Maarten Roosenburg

$ 100

Well done SMAART & #B4VK

Fri, 2 Jun 2023

Jessie dV

$ 30

Love your work SMAART and B4VK!

SINCE May 2023



$130 raised

TARGET $2,000

Please support this cause


I'm raising funds for


Backpacks 4 VIC Kids

Often children are placed quickly into foster care or emergency accommodation without much more than what they are wearing at the time. We provide them with a few essential items to ease feelings of loss and to help with their relocation.

About Fundraiser

SMAART Recruitment


SINCE May 2023

