You can help to drive more Gnaraloo loggerhead research outputs!
Your support could enable us to do more for the Gnaraloo loggerhead sea turtles, including more peer reviewed papers on unique, but mostly unpublished, 10-year data sets for the Southern Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area by the historic Gnaraloo Turtle Conservation Program (GTCP). Many data gaps exist for Southern Ningaloo and it is frustrating to have high quality research available that have not yet been publicly shared via the further required scientific reports and papers.
To enable the Gnaraloo Wilderness Foundation (GWF) to work on this and its other ambitious goals, we have launched a "$1,000 by a 100" crowd fund raiser in Australia and worldwide. The GWF has a $3.6 million data set for the Southern reef and lagoon ecosystem in the Ningaloo World Heritage Area, parts of which are just waiting on funds to be published so it can be shared for public use in Australia and elsewhere in the world. The peer review papers are not the endgame, but they will help to strengthen the Government's understanding of the importance of the Gnaraloo turtle nesting beaches so that our long-standing proposal may be accepted of sanctuary listing in Australian legislation of these areas for protection in perpetuity for them to continue to produce hundreds of thousands of turtle eggs and hatchlings to support Loggerhead populations in an era of climate change which may affect many nesting beaches in Western Australia and worldwide.
Together with you, we will be able to do the required outstanding work to address the data gaps left remaining, and the essential work left undone, by more traditional funding sources, such as relying on Government grants, which create enormous pressure on charities when they remain unavailable to undertake or complete crucial work. We simply cannot do our job without your help. Please dig deep and make a real contribution to science, Gnaraloo and Southern Ningaloo.
By supporting the Gnaraloo Wilderness Foundation (a non-profit charity), you will also reduce your tax liabilities. All your donations are tax deductible in Australia.
Contributions of any size will help the Gnaraloo turtles!
You CAN influence the protection outcomes for the Southern Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area, especially at Gnaraloo. Gnaraloo’s conservation interests have continued to be mostly shouldered by the GWF since 2018, a small group of committed people who, despite limited resources and at great cost, have persistently and without fail, continued to act and to advocate for better protection of the whole of Gnaraloo’s unique habitats and profound heritage values.
Gnaraloo is an Australian and world asset & it, as well as the people who love it and the animals and other life who live here and depend on it for their habitat, deserve more. We ask that you step aboard to add your weight and resources to Gnaraloo’s safe keeping and longevity as a true wilderness tourism location and to protect it as a WILD PLACE. We cannot do it without you, please act on our plea for urgency and help.
We will engage scientists to further write-up our existing research to share new insights for Gnaraloo and the Southern Ningaloo Coast, including for submission to peer review journals as published papers. We will also work with other professional teams, including communication experts, to continue to help the Gnaraloo loggerheads in a real way. The GWF has had had to go it alone for the Gnaraloo turtles without much public and Government support for far too long & the Gnaraloo turtles and nesting beaches are really suffering for it.
Some of the GTCP's research at the Gnaraloo Bay Rookery have already been published:
The Chelonian Conservation and Biology – an international scientific peer-reviewed journal of turtle and tortoise research.
For other interesting papers and detailed scientific reports, please visit the Reports and Papers section on our website.